Monday, May 7, 2018


Jean Hart Artwork*

Souls Aflight....
Acrylic, 20" x 24"
Artist's collection
Not for Sale 

Souls Aflight
acrylic 20" x 24"
original artwork by
Jean Hart

Risk....Risk? Hummm, RISK!!!
Yes, that's what my new paintings feel like to me.
I am now willing to risk breaking out of what was so comfortable for me as an artists. This new intuituve painting style, it feels risky and yet it is so freeing. There is no real way to do it,so there is no mistakes. Although my analitical mind keeps going back to what is balance, color scheme and storyline. So, there you have it, each piece of artwork will always have that for me. I can not break free on some of the lessons I have learned in art education. 
But I am willing to loss all restraints and break free of set limitations if not whole rules. These paintings have something of an emotional risk too. They say color provokes emotions and in front of me I have an array of paint,  no less then 30 paint tubes and yet I find mysefl just drawn to the red, yellow, oranges.

Uncirculated 2017 Philadelphia Pennies | coins under the microscope

E is for Energy

Jean Hart Artwork*
Creative Living

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." 
Anne Frank 

Yes!! Indeed, are you looking for ways to improve the world , or maybe your own environment? 
For me it starts in Spring. I start looking around the house and want to clean it up. 
Go through closets, drawers, the garage. 
Here are some ideas that might just help get you started. 

1. Clean or replace air filters in your air conditioning unit  at least once a month. 
2. Close the vents in the rooms you are not using. This is for heating the house as well as air conditioning. 
3. Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees. 
4. Wrap your water heater in an insulated blanket. 
5. Turn off unneeded lights when leaving a room.
6. Set your refrigerator temperature at a level that will maintain freshness without sacrificing energy ( 36 to 38 degrees and your freezer at 0- 5).
7. Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load.
8. Unplug seldom used appliance. 

This is a good start. There's lots of on line help for saving energy and helping the environment. 
Be Inspired,

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Matt has great information about coins. Ask Matt a coin question, in his comments