Sunday, April 14, 2019

7 Day Chakra Challenge, Day 3 Solar Plexus

Jean Hart Artwork 
Fine Art for the finer things in Life 
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7 Day Chakra Challenge

Day 3
 The Power of the Solar Plexus Chakra 
(Belly Button Chakra)

My life energy collects in my solar plexus. I express it powerfully and in a manner of my own.
Continuing on my journey to do this challenge I found some interesting things start to happen.
The reason I am so interested in doing the first three chakra's  is simply to have a better digestion from the diverticulitis I am experiencing. However, once I started doing these meditations I found that many synchronicities started to happen. 
Information started to appear to me from people I was having causal conversations with, and books started showing up on my recommended reading list on Amazon, and lastly a new masseuse came into my life. 
The masseuse was so knowledgeable and brought up many healing tools that were new to me. 
When people say to me, that they have something that they have tried and it has worked for them, 
well, I say, I will try anything once! 
The Solar Plexus Chakra meditation has helped me find my personal power, 
it has learn helped me  to ask for  and receive help. 

Solar Plexus Chakra
Locations:  Navel 
Color:  Yellow
What it Governs: Personal power, autonomy
Spiritual Lesson: Love of self 
Coloring the Mandalas
Feel integrated and whole
1. Choose a mandala with a complex design 
2. Write down a list of of the many roles you play in life and make a list of your qualities. 
3. Begin coloring anywhere you like on the mandala, using as many yellow shades as you can, along with with light shades of violet .
4. When you completed your design, take a moment to reflect on your various roles and qualities.
 Do you feel more accepting and loving of who you are? 
from the book of World Mandalas 

Tools I use:
YouTube channel 
Solar plexus meditation


Power Mandalas, Klaus Holitzka

World Mandals, Madonna Gauding 

Be Inspired,


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