Thursday, January 29, 2015

Love In The Rain

Love In The Rain
It's raining hearts, by artist Jean Hart
It's raining where I live now. It's not the winter we were hoping for, usually we have snow.
So, I'm moving on to Spring.
In my studio I'm working on Valentine's.
I have heard from other artists that in their studio they work 6 months ahead of the calendar.
So, I really should be working on Summer art.
No, that feels like I'm push time too far forward.
I'm living in my moment.
Here are some of the artwork I have been doing for Valentine's Day.
Lately, I have been working in pen and ink, with just a little color or none.
It is most convenient for when I travel.
I have an idea from this time until Valentine's Day of posting photo's of my artwork, or things that will inspire me for Valentines. They may be things I see when I'm out shopping or things from magazines that I think I would like to give or even receive from loved ones.
There are just so many cool sites on the Internet now.
You can find things from across the globe. Things you didn't even know existed.
One plus One makes Three by artist Jean Hart
Love Fortune Cookie quote,
"Follow love, and it will flee, flee love, and it will follow. " Chinese saying
Be Inspired,

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