Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 4 to a more magnetic life

28 days to a more magnetic life
Sandra Anne Taylor
Day 4
Going North, acrylic, jean hart
Personal Power
 Oh, I tell you this day could not have come at a better place in my life. I am preparing for an art show, I am the Featured Artist at the ECAC.
As it turns out the gallery director has given me full range of publicity. There budget is small and doesn't cover promotions. So, am I to not market this event, or am I to step up and make a few things happen?
It takes courage and confidence to assume the power in your own life. So, today I will be writing up an article for the newspaper, Making postcards to invite everyone to the reception and anything else I can think of.
Sandra says, "If you let others control key issues, you allow them to direct your energy and destiny, too."
 Intentions for today.
"Today I intend to live in my true power, to make choices and take action on my own behalf. I have the right to possess the real power in my life."
Well said. So it's time to become more self- actualized. This does not mean arrogant or demanding, just more focused and sure abut the direction I want to go in.
Activities for Enhancing person power.
1. Choose to empower yourself now. Live with integrity, strength, and discipline as you go about the many decisions of your day. From choosing what you prioritize to how you interact with others, allow yourself to be mighty!"
Well, okay, it will start today. There are a lot of strong, powerful words there. I think I will have to read that several times today.
Personal Power Affirmations
"As I live in my personal power, I become more and more conscious of my own needs. I am more self-directed  each day."
My list today looks like this:
1. prioritize my to do list for this up coming event.
2. write a article for the newspaper.
3. paint a new Raffle painting for the show.
4. Because I'm a little old school, I will read, write and recite the affirmation. It's really a strong one.
Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, I may just sit with this one for a day or so. Personal Power, it's a big one and I don't want to blow through it too fast.
So I will leave you with these words from Mike Dooley,
"Talk a little, sing a lot,
walk a little, dance a lot,
smile a little, laugh a lot,
dream a little, live a lot."
Be Inspired,

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