Sunday, August 9, 2015

It's just a rumor I heard

It's just a rumor I heard

Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Life is curved, acrylic, 4' x 4'
Jean Hart Artwork
Yesterday is only a dream, tucked away in the recess's of your mind. Tomorrow only a vision, a hope and dream. The question for today is "What will you do today, while you live and breathe and are alive to make your tomorrows happier, wiser and stronger?

Will you sit and wait for the world, your world to change? Or will you have the courage to take a small step to change yourself for your world or the larger world?

The answer of course is yours alone. But, it reminds me of a quote I remember, "If you always do the same things you have always done, then  you will always get the same answer you have always gotten". It's something like that, and I'm sorry I don't remember who said that or if I'm quoting it correctly, but still it is something that has always stayed with me. 
Today, really is the best life you's the present life....the one that you are reaping the benefits of yesterdays decisions and planning for  the future. All things rely I what you do NOW, TODAY. 
Heart's Desires, acrylic 4' x 4' Jean Hart Artwork
Heart's desires, they come from within, from without. Idea's are acted upon and plans are made. 
Opportunities!!! Do they really only come knocking on your door once?
I think that's just a rumor.....for the people who don't meet their dreams half way...
Be Inspired,

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