Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Raven Has Come To Greet Me

The Raven Has Come To Greet Me...
What message does the Raven have for me?
I went on a ride to the canyon lands.
When I opened my car door a raven came to sit on the car door.
Does anyone know what this could mean?
I mean having a Raven come to greet you like this.
I definitely felt like he had come to give me a message of hope and encouragement.

A page in history, acrylic, by artist Jean Hart
If you are new to my blog
Let me catch you up to speed.
At first this blog was just about my artwork, then it slowly became about an artists life. Later, it became about recovering my health and walking again.
You can go back into my past blogs and read all about the health journey.
Now my blog is about living a creative life.
You are welcome to join me on my journey while I find beauty in living a well lived life,
sharing with you, artwork, books, cooking, and travel.
Please feel free join in, to make comments, and share.
Enjoy the visit of my RAVEN

video one
video two

Here is what I looked up.
Wow, this is very cool stuff.
Be Inspired,

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