Friday, December 12, 2014

Healing and Health

Healing and Health
my healing journey
Each year it seems since about 10 years ago when I hurt my back I have been on this journey. It was a back injury and I thought that was all it was. Little did I know that everything, is connected and if one thing goes wrong soon other things follow.
My tests results were not what I was hoping for and once again I'm back to monitoring, recording and reporting results.
The aneurysm, a blood vessels that popped in my eye, was not serious enough to require any medical attention, but it sure got my attention.
I'm not sure how it is that I'm feeling better then every, busier then I have been in years, and exercising more then I have in the last three years, that my test results show no improvement.
So, I have closed my eyes and pick a healing card. Setting my intentions for the new year to come.
Here is my card, for Caroline Myss and Peter Occhiogrosso,
"To be sure of the road, close your eyes and walk in the dark.
Spiritually closing your eyes permits Heaven to enact the most wonderful guidance in your life. Say the prayer, "open a new road to me today," and expect the unexpected.
 When it appears, accept the gift."
Yes, I am looking for a new road. What I am doing has been the same for too long. I hope that 2015 bring many changes.
I have gotten a map of the USA, for a minute I thought about just closing my eyes and through a dart at it and saying,,,,There it is, Are next adventure for this year.....but, I don't have enough faith that I wouldn't end up in some little deserted ghost town.
I know change starts with one small step, and it happens everyday. So, really my goal is to get a new daily planner and start looking at each month, week by week.
Last year I did 5k's, this year I want to do trails.
Many blessing for the New Year to Come.
Be Inspired,

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