Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 6 28 days to a more magnetic life

Day 6
28 days to a more magnetic life
Sandra Anne Taylor
Setting your emotional intention
"This morning and throughout the day, I intend to consciously create the emotional energy I want to expand in my life. Whether it's love, compassion, happiness, acceptance, surrender or any other feeling I desire. "
Emotions, are so personal, so I will not be going into what I'm going through here. Each day I range from high to low.
Are you feeling more magnetic?
I don't know if it's the season or if more things are just coming my way. But, I'm busy!!!!
We did not put up the big Christmas tree this year, but instead we did two smaller trees. Why did we think that would be easier???? So I have been  shopping for smaller ornaments and designed a theme for these two new trees. This did not save us time or money... I also added a new train and village this year to the house decorations. Every window has lights and we even did the outside with a snowmen and dog.
So, wow. My house has been transformed to a winter wonderland.
Be the change you want to see.
I know you have heard that saying. I have been busy creating the house for the season.
I wanted to feel the love and compassion for Christmas. So, I have music playing, made lunch dates with old friends and a few new people I don't know well. Decorated the house, I will be sending out cards this year, and baking. We as a family have also decided to give gifts.
Now, your saying, Everyone does that. But no, I haven't done many of those things for over 5 years. Some kind of sadness crept over me and covered me for years. I barley got the tree up most years.
I have now woken up!!!
One day not too long ago, I said to myself. This isn't my life. What happened?
What do I want my life to look like?
I made a list. You know I love my lists, so I made one of the way I wanted life to be.
Each day before getting out of bed I think about what this day will be like.
Finding my bliss was hard at first, but I  just kept saying the words and the meanings of those words to myself over and over again until they become part of my thinking.
Activities for setting your emotional intention.
"As you go through the day, name your desired emotion, choose thoughts and behaviors that increase that energy in you life.
One year on my birthday, my son gave me a set of healing cards. I would like to share one with you today.
"Without hope, we live in desire. Ask yourself, what are my desires? Then ask, what are my genuine needs? Discover how casually you desire things that have no real value for you. Then you'll realize how easily you lose your power."
Affirmations for emotional intention
"I intend to enjoy my present experiences, I feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose in my everyday life."
What's on my list for today.
1. I plan on lighting a candle and giving thanks for my beautiful home.
2. I will finish decorating the dinning room.
3. I'm excited to get to watch the seahawks play and have a list of people to text and share the game with.
4. This year I plan on sending Christmas Cards out to family and friends. Because a life without people is much too sad.
5. I will engage in the emotions that serve me well. Be positive and open to receive the desires that I  truly want and need in my life.
Be Inspired,

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