Friday, April 26, 2013

Soul Coaching, Earth week, day 27

Soul Coaching
day 26
Earth Week
See I told you I was alittle pale looking this week.
 It's only 9:30 and I'm flying around already!!! I 'm cleaning up the house, making lists, shopping for my party tomorrow night......Mary Kay party.....
Earth Week has shaken me up a bit. I'm feeling better and that's good. Still on ice and my massage was canceled, :-(( so I'm working out the kinks myself.
Today is one of my favorite days. Creating a home for the Soul.
 My assignment for myself today is looking up URN's. Yes, that's right. It will be the home of my ashes, not my soul. But I want to pick it out and save it for when I need it later......:-)).
Level 2 assignment is to create a place in your home for your soul. That means find a place in your home that is just for you.
Day 27
I was so busy yesterday that I had to stop blogging.  And so now I'm onto day 27.
This week has been amazing. Totally amazing!!!
I'm feeling better, and what still hurts I can deal with.
Unbelievable opportunities have opened up for me this week. I almost missed them because I didn't want to be bothered. There's a lesson in that I'm sure.
Today on this 27th day I'm feeling optimistic about everything.
Today is about creating a Fabulous future.
I wrote down 10 things down that I want in my future. Some I have been working on for awhile but the timing is now.
A great question my son Matthew came up with and asked me is.
"What will you do today to make you happy in the future?"
It goes so perfectly with today. That is why I'm feeling so good. I feel like YES, I am on the right  path. Finally, things are being brought together and my ideas are starting to find a home.
Today's affirmation;
"My future is filled with love, joy, and peace!"
I have a new calmness to me. Here's the thing, I have ideas, maybe 1000 a day. I have a notebook I write them all in. Not all are great or even doable. But, I write them in anyway. The second part is making a plan to execute them. And that is what today is all about.
So today, "Act today in accordance with whom you desire to be tomorrow. Tomorrow's future is being created today, and today is yesterday's future...."
I so love this book, Soul Coaching, 28 days to discover your authentic self, by Denise Linn.  
I'm thinking of creating a little workshop to engage other women to join in to create their own authentic self.
I plan on calling this group, a safe place to share, encourage, inspire women to be the best selves they can be.
"The Invisible Women Club"
What would you do if you were not invisible?
Personable, I have felt invisible for many years. Even though I am active, available, and involved. There are many things I have not done simply because I did not have the courage to do so. It is time to act like a Visible Women.
I invite you to join in with me.
Be Inspired,

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