Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Month of June

June's Aspects
Taken from "The Grandmother of Time, Zsuzsanna E. Budapest
This month of June received its name from the Goddess Juno, protector of women and marriage. This is where the custom of June brides originates. This month has many flower festivals, rose parades, weddings, and dances. Midsummer Night is a major international holiday for lovers, for divining the future, for building bonfires, and for jumping them for good luck.
Full moon aspect: Mead moon, strong sun moon
Universal event: The sun is moving away from the earth, but the constant moon prevails. The summer is peaking out, all ripens and gets ready for the harvest.
Communal event: Midsummer Night and Day. This is usually a three day festival featuring dancing in the woods, with religious ecstasy. This is a time to gather all the tribes together, travel home to the old homestead, visit family and kin. All restrictions of chastity were lifted at the time, marriage proposals and weddings are lucky now.
Message: to bond, to lead, to rule
Activity: Endurance and triumphant fulfillment
Emotional mode: Bonding, loyalty
Healing properties: To make Strong, to cleanse, prevention and protection
Color: Purple, indigo
Tree: Oak and mistletoe, symbols of the male principle. This is the time for ritually cutting mistletoe and catch it in a white cloth so that it never touches the ground
Flower: Rose
Creature: Wren
Gem: Pearl, moonstone, alexandrite
With summer for me comes getting outside more. This year is the year of hiking for me and my family. I love that the days are longer and that means that we can sit outside after work and enjoy an easy barbecue. 
I woke up to the sounds of this hot air balloon over our heads with our morning coffee. 
While I was watching this fly up and was reminded of how much fun Kerry and I had when we took our first hot air balloon ride. 
So now the question for the month is:
Do you make the journey or does the journey make you? 
Be Inspired,

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