Friday, May 2, 2014

The Song of the Pearl

The Song of the Pearl
An Ancient Gnostic Poem
The Song of the Pearl, "tells the story of the prince who wears a gorgeous jewel encrusted robe. One day his parents tell him that he must take off the magnificent robe and journey out from his homeland into an alien country where he will find a precious pearl guarded by a fierce dragon. He is instructed to tame the dragon and bring the Pearl back to the kingdom. In so doing he will be permitted to wear the robe again and share the sovereignty of the kingdom with his brother. The prince unquestioningly obeys the king and queen and well supplied with princely goodies sets off on his journey. On reaching his destination, he feels lonely and disoriented. He adopts the clothes and customs and language of the people and forgets who he is and why he is there. He falls into a sort of trance. Hearing of this, his parents write a letter reminding him of his regal heritage and his mission. They attach it to an eagle and dispatch the eagle to the prince. The eagle and the message awaken the prince from his trance. He hypnotizes the dragon with wondrous words and then, with the help of the eagle, he returns home, pearl in hand. He is warmly welcomed and delighted to gaze again on the glorious robe. He sees it reflecting the magnificence and unity of all creation. He covers himself with its splendour and joyfully takes his place beside his brother as crown Prince of the kingdom. "

An Ancient Gnostic Poem, The Hymn of the Robe of Glory, " The Song of the Pearl".

I'm still studying the myths and ancient stories, this is a story of the journey of human consciousness. Through the path of separateness, on towards the Divine journey home.
I present this to you to make your own interpretations and to see the wonderful symbols within this myth, it has survived the test of time in its perennial wisdom,
Please enjoy the story and the artwork.
Jean Hart

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